Sunday 30 December 2018


YOU ARE A GIFT TO ME by Linda B.Scalan
I don't feel as though I do
I talk a lot 
Sometimes at people 
I feel sorry for them
No escape! 

I'm bossy 
When things don't go my way there is a tendency to sulk and blame unseen forces for conspiring against me - after all, don't I know best! 


I'm often fearful of silence 
Afraid of what may follow 
So I fill up the space with a lot of clammer and chatter ....

Then you come along 
And offer your friendship
Your words buoy me 
Give me strength 
Invite me to be still and sit in sacred silence 
You know 
You know
There is found 
the very will of God 
Who speaks not loudly 
But in a whisper....

Blessings dear friend 
You are a gift to me....🙏

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