Wednesday 27 November 2019

Cigarette series

Cigarette series

Here I m gifting u all a poetry form called " Cigarette " coined by Amrit Raj , a brilliant literary mind.
Its a way to express urself
Beautifully n poetically in limited wrds...
Simple steps n rules dear..
First line of seven wrds
Each successive line gets lessened by a wrd...n thus u gt d format of
7, 6 , 5, 4 , 3, 2 ,1.
Remind urself to present a complete thought or idea..
I personally love this format ....n lucky to gt it by heart frm sch a learned teacher .
Heartiest thanks n gratitude @ Amrit raj sir.
Here goes my frst cigarette of my cigarette series-
Dedicated to Amrit Raj sir...
1# The cold war of our turned egoes
You keep mum , I speak not
But trying to talk mutely
Dear ! dishonest we are
Follow the enmity
Get apart

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