Tuesday 3 September 2019


Rama Subba Rao Bhuthamapuram garu is an inspiring, intelligent fb friend with the strength of character. I am very fortunate to have such a patriot, a man of dazzling intellect as my fb friend. He is a highly cultured person with many admirers including few of foreign origin. His posts are of motivating nature. I could get several inspiring personalities as fb friends through his courtesy, consolidating my faith in the Upanishadic knowledge and Sanathana Dharma. His friendship helps me in my spiritual progress. An aura of holiness pervades him because of his holy thoughts.The one quality of him i like most is that once he makes friendship with someone, he makes it his purpose to introduce him to his other friends of similar interests and likes expanding one's horizon of world of friendship. Whenever he likes someone, his posts, he praises that person and encourages to the hilt. He is a perfect example of an ideal friend even if it is on fb. I cherish his friendship and hope to sustain it for ever. Thank you sir, Ramu garu. Thank you very much fb.
By Shri.Kranthikumar Sammohi 

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