Sunday 23 September 2018


Rama-ji...FB reminds me that we have been friends for one year and today is the day of that meeting so it's an anniversary......I disagree with FB's major premise, viz. we did not first meet on FB one year ago today.....far from it.....we have been traveling through millennia and galaxies and multiverses and epochs and eons where time does not exist and space is curved in ways alien to our rigid mentality and limited human ways of constructing reality.....we were friends from the beginning that was only the beginning for us, not God ......
You have taught me so much...more than you know but yet, there is a part of me, that feels you do know how important you are to my evolution....on some deep level you are aware of what I need to pursue my humanity in its highest version and you offer delicacies in morsels that are easily digested by my western intellect which is problematic for me as it impedes a broader understanding of what is really going on in the goings on of life in this form, in this space and time, which is silliness at its there is no such a thing at all as we know! .....this is this an example of irony which, I am convinced, God loves!
Rama Subba Rao Bhuthamapuram, you are an ancient soul who is wise beyond your years ...that we should reaquaint ourselves now is no coincidence ....these things do not exist in my world....there are no accidents at all...
You are a friend whose understanding and wisdom I need while in this neighborhood of eternity ...and the blessing is you're so willing to suspend judgment and simply accompany me as I crawl, then tentively walk through this spot of eternity.....we are as different accidentally as are male...I am female....I am older you are younger....I am American with all my American attitudes, preconceptions, judgments and fallacies and you are Indian....the opposite.... yet, from you, I receive unconditional acceptance and patience.... gifts divine in nature......
Thank you for being in my life
Rama-ji....and oh, btw.....
happy anniversary.....!
Namaste .....🙏

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