Sunday 11 November 2018

Karthika Masam -

Karthika Masam -
The Most Auspicious and Sacred Month
It is a month long festival, starting just after Deepavali Amavasya where both Lord Shiva and Maha Vishnu are worshipped and prayed.
It is most auspicious and sacred month for both Shaiva and Vaishnava followers.
It is believed that offering prayers to "Shivakesavas" particularly in this month brings luck and prosperity. Karthika Masam is the favorite month to Lord Shiva amongst all other months.
“Shivaya Vishnu Roopaya
Shiva Roopaya Vishnave.
Shivaya Hrudayam Vishnu
Vishnoscha Hrudayagum Shivah"
"Yathaa Shivamayo Vishnu
Evam Vishnu Maya Shivah"
Karthika Masam helps the devotee to
understand and embrace the thought that
there is no difference between Lord Vishnu and Lord Shiva and they both are one.

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