Sunday 25 April 2021

*** Let us pray to our mind remain devoted to values and morality ***

Excessive entertainment in the form of obscenity and vulgarity, meaningless movies, TV series, web series,...Studies from primary schools to college level  that ignore devotion and morality...Adults sticking to Facebook,Twitter and all in the  net craze for hours to hours..Falling in love with cricket without respecting our healthy domestic games..Evil trends that disrupt villages,dairy crops, livestock and pastures...Where are we going???Ignoring devotion, morality, and values... That is why calamities like corona are emerging and warning the humanity.

Can you deny this fact???

Let us put aside ego and science for a while. Let us think wisely.

Let us preserve our  rich  and ancient Indian traditions and values ​​that are ideal for the world.

Let us keep all evil desires and ego at a distance.Let us not distrub the tranquility of the Nature...Let us do good to ourselves,our children and our society.

Let us pray to our mind  to always remain devoted to values and morality.

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